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4. The Utah, New Mexico, Nebraska, and Kansas Territories. They were open to slavery because of the 1850 Compromise which said that these states had the right to choose whether they wanted to be a free state or slave state, allowed them to. This was allowed because Congress had never dealt with something like this. It wasn't written into law, so the states were able to choose for themselves.

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Q: How many slave states or slave territories entered the union after the admission of California?
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Which states were fashioned in their entirety from these territories?

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When California became a state how many other states were there?

There were 30 states already when California entered the Union.

Why were southerners against California's admission the the union as a free state?

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...feared admission of the new slave states.

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California became a free state in 1850, ending the balance of free states and slave states. However, the slave states got a tougher fugitive slave law as a result of California's admission to the Union as a free state.

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California, Nevada,and the Utah territory

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If a warrant is entered into the interstate system (NCIC) operated by the FBI, it will be available to all US states, territories and possessions.

What states entered the union before 1840?

I know California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas are, but i'm not sure if there are any more. (New respondent) These were the territories acquired after the Mexican War in 1847-8, and caused the unsatisfactory Compromise of 1850.

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Under the provisions of the Missouri Compromise, Maine was the state that entered the Union with Missouri.

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What is the major reason for the Missouri Compromise?

To achieve some sort of balance between slave-states and free soil in the admission of new territories into the USA. The Southern border of Missouri was taken as the parallel - anywhere North of that line, slavery was illegal. This worked reasonably well, until the Mexican war, when vast new territories like California made it unworkable.