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Q: How many ships did Christopher Columbus lose during his four trips to the New World?
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Related questions

What did Christopher Columbus and his ships sail on?

Christopher Columbus's ships were the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria. They sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World.

How did Christopher Columbus get to the new world?

He and his crew went on three ships to get to the new world.

What did Columbus command on his great voyage?

Christopher Columbus was in command of three ships during his great voyage. The three ships were the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

What where the ships of Christopher Columbus?


Is Isabella Christopher Columbus wife?

no, Isabella was the one that sponsored Christopher Columbus with money and ships.

Who discovered America in 1492?

The New World was first spotted by Rodrigo de Triana a sailor aboard the "Pinta" one of the three ships commanded by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492.yes this is right

What did Christopher Columbus did when the ships was in harsh?

He boated them.

What ships did Christopher Columbus use?

Christopher Columbus used the Nina,Pinta,and the Santa Maria for his journey.

How large was Christopher Columbus crew?

Christopher Columbus took 87 men with him for all of his ships.

Name the three ships of christopher Columbus voyage to the new world?

The Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria

How many ships did Christopher Columbus sail with on his 3RD voyage?

6 ships

Christopher columbus sail on what ships?

santa maria