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Technically speaking, none, at least not while the US was in WWII. The Army reorganized into three branches on June 20, 1941: Army Ground Forces, Army Service Forces, and Army Air Forces. Thereafter it was the USAAF - the United States Army Air Force. Peak strength was 2.4 million men in March, 1944. Overall about 2.8 million served in the USAAF during WWII.

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Q: How many served in the US army air corps in World War 2?
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Sixteen million Americans served in WWII. This was 10% of the US population of 160 million. Ten per cent was reckoned the most that could be taken for military service in a modern, industrial economy without beginning to harm war production. Over eight million of these served in the US Army and another three million served in the US Army Air Force (the Air Force was still a part of the Army until after the war, becoming independent in 1947). About three million served in the US Navy, and about 700,000 were in the Marine Corps (which is a part of the Navy).

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In the U.S. Army Nurse Corps alone, over 217 nurses died.

How many men served in combat in World War 2?

Army 11,260,000 dead 318,274 wounded 565,861

Was the Army Air Corps part of the holocaust?

Not really. the Army Air Corps was replaced in 1941 and was phased out by 1942. They became the United States Army Air Force, which conducted many raids over Germany.

Where were women during during world war 2?

Many American women worked in defense plants making munitions, weapons, and machinery. Some belonged to female branches of the services such as the Women's Army Corps, freeing men for front line duty. Many served as nurses in all theaters of the war.