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he conquered so many places that it's really hard to count.he conquered Greece,mesopotamia,Egypt,a good part of Asia minor, and many more.

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Q: How many places did Alexander the Great concur ed?
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Was Alexander the Great from Persia?

Yes he was. He also ruled Persia and many other places too.

How long was Alexander the great in power?

Alexander the Great held many different kingdoms and honors. He ruled from around 336 to 323 B.C. in various places including Egypt and Asia.

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first of all he was known as great which means he was and he conquered many places peace out! mr Hudson

What battle was Alexander the Great in when in died?

Alexander the Great wasnt fighting when he died he was walking toward one of the places he had already conqered when he collasped and died many bielive he was poisened but it hasn't been proven

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Alexander the great because he conquered so many city-states.

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Alexander the Great had six step mothers.

Who established Alexandria?

There are many places in the world named Alexandria, but the city in Egypt was founded by Alexander the Great in c. 331 BC (BCE)

Are there statues of Alexander the Great?

Many, many.

Why was Alexander the great great?

because he took many

Why did Alexander name himself as a god?

Alexander? The only Alexander i know is Alexander the great and he was looked at by many as a god.

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Alexander the Great captured are great many people in the course of his wars.They includedthe Indian king Porus.

Why is Alexander the Great so Prominate in history?

Alexander the great is such a memorable person in history becausehe accomplished many great things,was MACEDONIAN