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i only noone person who can or even tryd sooo i think Irish ppl and someothers do it more ppl do the jerk though

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too many to count, But there is Irish Dancers in every country around the World!

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Q: How many people worldwide do Irish dance?
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What kind of people Irish dance?

A lot of people Irish Dance. Originally it was the Irish, but now days many Americans, Canadians, Australians, British, and others dance. Many kids do competitive Irish dancing, but adults can do Irish dance as well. at the worldchampion ships you se an awful lot of americans british and australians sometimes more than there are irish people. surprisingly a lot of russians do irish dancing too.

How many Irish people can do Irish dancing?

I don't really understand your question. Is it how many people in Ireland are Irish dancers/ do Irish dancing? Or can everybody in Ireland do Irish dance?

Who created the Irish dance?

No one person can be said to have created Irish dancing. There are many kinds of Irish dancing. It would have developed over hundreds of years, with many people adding new types of dance to what was there.

When did Irish dancing become popular?

Though Irish dancing had been a tradition in Ireland for many generations, it garnered worldwide attention during the 90's with Michael Flatley's traveling Irish Dance show, Riverdance.

What is the purpose of Irish dance?

I think the main purpose of Irish dance is for fun, enjoyment, and entertainment, but people do it for many reasons. It was created in Ireland as a way to celebrate and party, and was carried on to America and other countries. Now people compete in Irish dance competitions and go to dance classes - it's tons of fun. There is no real reason though, because you don't have a reason to dance, you just dance.

How many Irish passports are in the world?

There are more than 6 million Irish passports in circulation worldwide.

Is there any Irish people in Sydney?

Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.

How many people in Ireland can touch there nose with their tongue?

Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.

What are Irish dance masters?

The term dance master refers to the travelling dance teachers from the 18th and 19th century. They would travel around Ireland teaching dance to the people of the villages. They are responsible for the first formal training of Irish dancers in history.

Do all Irish people drink?

No. Many Irish people drink, but many Irish people do not drink. It is just a stereotype.

How many people are in the Irish?

There are actually 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Irish people.

How many Irish people does it take to screw in a light bulb?

8 so one can screw it in and the others can dance and consume their favorite beverage while doing it.