

Best Answer

36,000 in Iowa alone are homeless from floods this year. town of 40,000 in Ohio is traveling by boat thru the middle of town.

With the flooding in the Central Plains,

Where are all of the Hollywood celebrities holding telethons asking

for help in restoring Iowa and helping the folks affected by the


Where is all the media asking the tough questions about why the

federal government hasn't solved the problem? Asking where the FEMA

trucks (and trailers) are?

Why isn't the Federal Government relocating Iowa people to free hotels

in Chicago ?

When will Spike Lee say that the Federal Government blew up the levees

that failed in Des Moines ?

Where are Sean Penn and The Dixie Chicks?

Where are all the looters stealing high-end tennis shoes and big

screen television sets?

When will we hear Governor Chet Culver say that he wants to rebuild a

"vanilla" Iowa , because that's the way God wants it?

Where is the hysterical 24/7 media coverage complete with reports of


Where are the people declaring that George Bush hates white, rural people?

How come in 2 weeks, you will never hear about the Iowa flooding ever again?

why is this being ignored. I still see crap about Katrina familieswhy do we here nothing of these people? are there voices not heard because the majority is white?.

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Q: How many people were left homeless from floods in central US?
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