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¡ 24 deaths total !

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None. Everyone executed was innocent.

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2o people were killed. 6 were male.

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Q: How many people were killed in the Salem Witch trials?
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How were people killed during the salem witch trials?

The convicted were executed by hanging.

How many people were killed during Salem witch trials?

During the Salem Witch Trials in Salem Massachusetts in 1692, 19 were hanged, 1 was pressed to death and as many as 13 died in prison.

What was the outcome of the Salem witch trails?

The outcome of the Salem witch trials was the remembrance of a situation which casts Salem into infamy. A hysteria had gripped the town, and the people of Salem had senselessly killed a lot of people.

How many people died in the Salam Witch Trials?

The Salem witchcraft trials were held in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. 140 were accused, 20 were killed.

Were there witch trials not in Salem in the 1600s If so where were they located and how many were executed?

Yes. There was a couple of Trials that only killed a few people. A witch hunt in Germany killed hundreds.

How many people were hang during the Salem Witch Trials episode?

Nineteen people were hanged during the Salem witch trials.

How many people were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials?

19 people were hanged in the Salem Witch Trials and 1 (an old man) was killed by "pressing" because he refused a trial.

Why was Mary Worth killed?

Because she was involved with the Salem witch trials.

What were the methods of being killed during the Salem Witch Trials?


What is justice in Salem witch trials?

There was no justice in the Salem witch trials. Innocent men and women died because of people's fears.

Who were executed during the Salem Witch Trials?

The Salem witch trials happened during the year 1692, the first to be executed was Bridget Bishop. In total 19 people were killed after being found guilty of witch craft, this is not counting the many people that they suspected died in jail.

Who was involved in the Salem witch trials?

Whole bunch of people and Villingers. the afflicted and the acused were the main people.