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The term "people" implies civilians; that figure would have to be researched. As for men killed during the US Civil War, for both sides, approximately 800,000 men were killed on the battlefields. Far more than that died from diseases.

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Q: How many people were killed in the American civil war in the 1860's?
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How many people was killed in the civil war?

Approximatel 620,000 soldiers were killed during the American Civil War. There are no accurate figures of the number of civilians killed.

How many US casualties were killed in action in the American Civil War?

There were 110,000 killed in civil war!!!! Im positive

What war had the most killed?

American Civil War

What was the amount of people who died in the civil war?

Approximately half a million people were killed in the American Civil War.NEW RESPONDENTAltogether, on the battlefields, in the hospitals, in captivity and on the sea, the deaths were 365,205 for the Union and about 320,000 for the Confederacy.

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The biggest number of American soldiers killed was during the American civil war. more Americans were killed then then in every other war combined.

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During the Civil War, the Confederacy tried to secede from the Union.

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A member of one of the African-American regiments within the U.S. Army after the Civil War, serving primarily in the Indian wars of the late 1860s.

Buffalo Soldiers?

A member of one of the African-American regiments within the US Army after the Civil War, serving primarily in the Indian wars of the late 1860s.

In what war was the greatest number of American soldiers killed?

The Civil War

How informed is American public opinion?

The American people (US citizens) are generally well informed in relevance to their time. Another words, during the 1860s in the US, most Americans were more informed about the US Civil War since they had to live thru it. At the same time, they would have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about the Vietnam War, since they didn't live in the 1960s. Bottom line: Americans living in the 1860s would be generally knowledgeable about the 1860s, Americans living in the 1960s would be generally knowledgeable about the 1960s, etc.

What were pictures called back in the American Civil War?

You may be referring to daguerreotypes, invented by Louis Daguerre around 1826, which became popular around the 1830s to the 1860s.

How many American military troops have been killed in all wars to date?

To date, the number of American military troops who have been killed is 1,321,612. The American Civil War was the deadliest with 625,000 American troops killed. On top of those killed, there are 38,159 who have gone missing.