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Answer there has to be more than 645,000 people in the war because 620,000 people died in the war

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Q: How many people were drafted for the Civil War?
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Related questions

Who was the people in the Civil War?

The were many people in the civil war.

How did wealthy people aviod getting drafted in the civil war?

Laws allowed them to pay for a replacement. It was legal, and many did, including future President Grover Cleveland

How many people where in the civil war?

3.5 to 4 million people where in the civil war

What does it mean to draft?

Answer:It depends on what you're being drafted to. For example, if you're being drafted to go to war, then the military, or army, will send you a letter, or come to your home, and take you to war. For example, in the Civil War, there were many men drafted, most of them 19 years of age or older.

How many people DIEDin the civil war?

over 30 million people died in the civil war

Was there a time you could pay not to be drafted?

Yes, that happened in the Civil war

What year did people get drafted for the Vietnam war?

Americans were drafted into the Vietnam War in 1965.

How many people did the union draft?

Over 3,000 Men was drafted into that war.

In the American Civil War did most soldiers volunteer or were they drafted into the army?

Both. In the beginning they enlisted (volunteered). When the reality of war struck them (the horrors of war); they had to be forced to fight (drafted).

How many people died in the spanish civil war?

about...317, 482 people died in the Spanish civil war

Why did many men in the Union refer to the Civil War as a poor man's fight?

rich men could avoid being drafted

How many people died in total during the US Civil War?

about 700,000 people did in the civil war. so sad.