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Q: How many people visit Thomas Becket's shrine a year?
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Whose shrine are the pilgrims planning to visit at Canterbury?

They are planning to visit the shrine of St. Thomas.

Why would pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury?

Pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury because he was a credit to them and he died for them so they prayed for him. Also because they thought he was a good person, so they worship God, at his shrine. That is so that they can become like Thomas Becket was, in order for them so that one day somebody can have the position that Becket had before he died.

Who allowed people to visit his lab?

Thomas Edison allowed people to visit his lab.

Why pilgrims go to becket's shrine at Canterbury?

Becket was an influential character, and is considered by some to be a saint. People visit his tomb because they see him as a martyr of sorts; an aspirational character. Even to his death he was a pious man, although this may be disputed, and followed the Bible, even at the expense of his favour with the king.

Why would pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket's shrine at Canterbury?

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was seen as being a large, extended "family", existing not only on earth (church militant) but in heaven as well (church triumphant). The saints in Heaven cared about those on earth, and those on earth addressed prayers to them in Heaven. Saints were not prayed to as "gods" or in place of God, but as men and women, who, by the example of their lives, were especially close to God. They were called upon that God might work miracles through them. Relics of saints were venerated, for they were tangible links to them, and as it was believed that holiness could dwell in all aspects of God's creation. Catholics, some Anglicans, and Orthodox Christians still venerate relics. Thomas Becket was martyred because he defended Church rights against the wishes of King Henry II of England and died for his beliefs in that regard. People flocked to his shrine in order to obtain special graces and good spiritual merit which such visits or pilgrimages were believed to impart. For the same reasons, Christians made pilgrimages to places in the Holy Land as well. Pilgrimages connected people to their religious and spiritual history, and gave them a sense of "family" and belonging. Even today, people visit the graves of politicians, social reformers, and movie stars, out of that same human desire to "connect" to something larger than themselves. hope this information helped you!! xx

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Whose shrine are the pilgrims planning to visit at Canterbury?

They are planning to visit the shrine of St. Thomas.

Which saint's shrine are the pilgrims going to visit in Canterbury?

St. Thomas Becket

Why would pilgrimas have gone to visit beckets shrine at Canterbury?

Pilgrims visited Becket's shrine at Canterbury Cathedral to seek healing, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal. Becket was considered a martyr and saint, and his shrine was believed to have miraculous powers. Pilgrims also went to earn indulgences and blessings for themselves and their loved ones.

Why would pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury?

Pilgrims have gone to visit Thomas Becket shrine in Canterbury because he was a credit to them and he died for them so they prayed for him. Also because they thought he was a good person, so they worship God, at his shrine. That is so that they can become like Thomas Becket was, in order for them so that one day somebody can have the position that Becket had before he died.

Did anyone visit thomas becket grave?

St Thomas Becket did not have a grave - he had first a temporary stone coffin kept above ground, then a very ornately decorated shrine into which the stone coffin was placed. This was situated in a prominent position at the east end of Canterbury cathedral.So people came not to visit a grave but to visit the shrine, where holes in the sides allowed them to reach inside to touch the stone coffin.

Where were the pilgrims going and why in the Canterbury Tales?

The pilgrims in "The Canterbury Tales" were traveling to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral as a form of religious pilgrimage. They were seeking spiritual renewal and seeking forgiveness for their sins.

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On average, around 1.5 million people visit Knock Shrine each year.

Who allowed people to visit his lab?

Thomas Edison allowed people to visit his lab.

Why would pilgrims have gone to visit beckets shrine at Canterbury?

Pilgrims visited Becket's shrine at Canterbury to seek blessings, forgiveness, and healing, as it was believed to be a sacred and miraculous place associated with the martyrdom of Thomas Becket. They also sought spiritual fulfillment and to demonstrate their piety by making a pilgrimage to a site of religious significance. Additionally, pilgrimage to Canterbury was believed to offer protection, both physical and spiritual, to travelers.

Why do people go on pilgrimages to canturbury?

In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer describes the pilgrims who go to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas a' Beckett. Beckett was the Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered in the cathedral. People go to the shrine as an act of spiritual rebirth, and, says Chaucer, to visit the shrine "of him who helped them when they were sick." they went as a group to not get robbed yo world im smart this is someone from 7b at bergess hill school

How many people in 2o13 or during Arbaeen or chehlam will visit shrine of Imam Hussain?

1.5 million

What literary piece provides an account of a group of pilgrims who travel from London to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral?

"The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer .