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The exact amount is unknown. Check out the section named "Death toll" on for the various estimates made.

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Q: How many people survived mauthausen concentration camps?
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Was Mauthausen a labor camp during the Holocaust?

Mauthausen was a group of exceptionally harsh concentration camps in Austria. (Other well known camps in the group included Ebensee and Gusen).

What were Bergen Belsen Auschwitz and Mauthausen?

The were concentration camps built by the Nazis in WW 2.

What were the top 5 concentration camps during Nazi Germany?

Auschwitz.Belzec,Bergin,chelmeno,and mauthausen

What percent of people stayed alive in a concentration camp?

around just 8% of Jews survived concentration camps.

How many survivors were there in Dachau concentration camp?

Approximately 200,000 people survived auschwitz concentration camps , most of them was Jews, Soviet POWs and couple of gypsies and 1 or 2 homosexuals.

What camp was Simon Wiesenthal in?

He spent four and a half years in the German concentration camps of Janowska, Plaszow, and Mauthausen.

What has the author Lope Massaguer written?

Lope Massaguer has written: 'Mauthausen' -- subject(s): Anarchists, Biography, Concentration camps, Mauthausen (Concentration camp), Prisoners of war, World War, 1939-1945, Spanish Personal narratives

What is the proper name for death camps?

The term death camps (in the Holocaust) refers mainly to extermination camps. Sometimes the very harshest concentration camps (Grade 3, such as Mauthausen) are also called death camps.

What were some concentration camps?

Concentration camps : Mauthausen ; Theresienstad ; Dachau ; Natzweiler ; Flossenburg ; Sachsenhausen ; Gross-Rosen ; Buchenwald ; Vught ; Ravensbruck ; Bergen-Belsen.Extermination camps : Stutthof ; Chelmno ; Treblinka ; Sobibor ; Maidanek ; Belzec ; Auschwitz-Birkenau.

What concentration camp was established for Austrian Jews?

None all Jews was sent to different concentration camps across europe depending on avalibility of space

How long did they survive with the diseases in a concentration camp?

not many people with diseases in the camps survived for very long.

Did fritz or the van pels survive the concentration camps?

No not really, pretty much no one survived in the concentration camps .....sadly!