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Q: How many people survied the bismark?
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How many people live in Bismark?

Bismark, Germany has a population of about 8,753 people. Bismark, Limpopo has a population of about 2,705 people. If you meant Bismarck instead of Bismark then there are many other cities. Bismarck, North Dakota has a population of about 64,751 people. Bismarck, Illinois has a population of about 570 people. Bismarck, Missouri has a population of about 1,516 people.

How many people were on the titantic and how many survied?

There were approximately 2200 people aboard the Titanic. There were only 700 survivors.

How many people survied put of the number of people who died on the titanic?

712 survived and 1,496 died.

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Who survied in the Titanic?

Well, there were many people who surived. But less than a third of passengers (around 31-32%) survived in total.