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Q: How many people past Angel Island?
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Who were the first immigrants to arrive in Angel Island?

Nope. Angel Island was started as an Immigration Facility in 1910 but many Asians did arrive in San Francisco in the early 1800's, just not through Angel Island. Many did go to Angel Island to be checked for illnesses and and to tell officials about their past life.

Why did people immigrate to Ellis Island?

People did not immigrate to Ellis Island- they immigrated to the US- Ellis Island was their point of entry to the US. People came to the US because of religious persecution, financial opportunity, and fleeing conditions of war or famine in their native countries.

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An avenging angel is an angel that would fight to the death over a loss or past trauma, I haven't heard a religion that has this.

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how do you get past dr.d ineed heelp!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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Jump past it to the right, and there will be a doorway

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You have to dress like one of the guards to pass them, but you have to walk like regular people do.

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