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When Titanic actually hit the iceberg, it doesn't seem as if anyone really panicked. The extent of the damage was not immediately known, many people were asleep, and the prevailing confidence in the unsinkable nature of the ship meant that the gravity of the situation was not realized until nearer the end for the passengers and even for some of the crew. Also, there was seen to be a ship in the area - the identity of which has been long disputed - and many believed it would come to their aid. There was some panic as the situation became obviously hopeless at the end and there were no lifeboats left. Also, as the later lifeboats were loaded, there were attempts by some men to push in ahead of the women and children or to jump in as the boats were lowered past other decks. One of the officers found it necessary to fire shots to deter such behavior. The great majority of those left behind seemed to have met their end with remarkable resignation and calm considering the Horror of the situation.

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Q: How many people panicked when Titanic hit the iceberg?
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The iceberg hit the starboard side near the bow of Titanic (and there is a good case for "grounding" which means additional breaching on the bottom of the ship). Titanic sank at 2:20 am in the morning. There were 712 survivors of Titanic.

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I'd hate to spoil the movie for you... but I will anyway. The Titanic sank because it struck an iceberg. The titanic had struck an iceberg and had sadly sunk killing many people. It took about two hours and forty minutes for it to sink.

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Titanic only struck one iceberg.

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Was the titanic alreadydamaged before crashing the iceberg?

No. Olympic had many collisions in her career but Titanic only had one.

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the disaster of the titanic was big. the great ocean liner sunk by an iceberg on April 14-15. many people died. some were saved. it was horrific. - Carl's

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5 compartments were ruptered by the iceberg, which is one more that the Titanic could stand

How many lifeboats did the Titanic have on board when it hit the Iceberg?

obviously not enough