

Best Answer

7,879,000 in 1914

8,148,000 in 1918

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Q: How many people lived in Canada in World War 1?
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How many people lived in Canada in 1910?


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How many people lived in Canada in the year July 2007.?

The present population of Canada has been put at 33 million.

How many people lived?

there is 7 billion people on the whole world

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Canada is connected to the world by tourism because many people come from all around the world. Since lots of people come, Canada is connected to the world

How many people lived in the world in the year 1900?

I think 2billion people

How many people lived in Canada during the war?


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as many anywhere else in the world.

How many people lived in the Canada at the time of the war 1914-1918?

In 1914 it was about 7,900,000 by the end of the war it was about 8,200,000

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How many people lived in Canada in 1851?

2,436,297, not counting 101,600 in Newfoundland (which only became part of Canada in 1949 - though the other provinces only became Canada in 1867).

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It is estimated that around 200,000 people lived in Babylon at its peak and was the largest city in the world at that time.