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Q: How many people killed by hammock?
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What material should you use for a sort of Hammock-Tent?

Im trying to build a hammock with four corners for many people hung in a tree, it will have a tarp roof but I need to know what will work as a base that can support a bunch of people sitting in it, any ideas?

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2996 people were killed btw its how many people were killed lol

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A portable hammock is ideal for what summer activity?

The summer activity that a portable hammock is ideal for is camping. Many campers prefer the foldable portable hammock. Other summer activities that portable hammock can be used for include, the beach, napping on the porch or in the yard.

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He killed 19 people

What part of speech is hammock?

Hammock is a noun.

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576 people were killed

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How many syllables are in hammock?

There are 2 syllables in hammock:ham/mock

How mAny people did Hitler murder indirectly?

If you are referring to how many people were killed in the Holocaust, there were around 6 million people killed.

How many people were killed trying to escape to West Berlin?

1000000000 people were killed

How many people are killed in Japan?

There was about 2000 people killed because of the Tsunami and earthquake