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I'm not in a position to answer, but do you mean Army, military, or marines?

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Q: How many people fought in Okinawa?
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What was special about the battle of okinawa?

Sailors who fought to live and pilots who fought to die...the kamikazes.

How did the Japanese defend okinawa?

The Japanese fought a war of attrition .

How many days did the battle of okinawa last during World War 2?

During WW2, the Battle of Okinawa lasted for 82 days. It was fought on 1 April - 22 June 1945.

Which World War 2 event was referred to as the Grandest Amphibious Assault by the US?

Battle of Okinawa Over 150,000 Americans fought at Okinawa

Who Fought to establish an American base close to the major islands of Japan?

the battle of okinawa

What was the main battles fought in World War 2?

Many. Battle of the Bulge, Midway, Okinawa, Kursk, Normandy, Guadal Canal, those are just a few.

How many days did the battle of Okinawa last during ww11?

The battle was fought on 1 April - 22 June 1945. The battle lasted for 82 days.

What is a Okinawa?

Okinawa is a small island that is north of Taiwan and is part of the Ryukyu Islands, which is part of Japan. The US. used to own Okinawa after WWII but gave it back to Japan. Okinawa is a great tourist site with many beautiful beaches and many tropical plants and animals. Okinawa has many tropical fish living near it so snorkeling and scuba diving to see some of Okinawa's greatest reefs is very popular. Probably the most famous thing on Okinawa is the Cheri ,Aquarium. The aquarium holds many local fish and has whale sharks. Whale sharks are like giant sharks but they eat plankton instead of people and fish. It rains a lot in Okinawa to maintain its tropical forests. It can get very cold in the winter but NOTHING compared to Alaska and New York. Okinawa is very hot in the summer, so many go to one of the many gorgeous resorts on Okinawa. I hope you will visit Okinawa you Will never regret it!

Where did America fight Japanese in World war ll?

they fought in Iwo Jima, Okinawa and Midway Island

Is okinawa flat or bumpy?

Okinawa is generaly a flat island with not many hills

Where was last island battle fought in 1945?

im sure that it was the battle of Okinawa which ended in June 21st 1945

Where was the last battle of World War 1 fought?

at the red habin of england