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Q: How many people died in the battle of ap bac?
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What was the most significant battle in the Vietnam war?

The first true battle of the Vietnam War was Ap Bac. Considered small-scale action, Ap Bac was fought on January 2, 1963, in the hamlet (ap in Vietnamese) of Bac. 350 entrenched Viet Cong guerrillas faced off against 1,400 members of the 7th Division of the ARVN. The Viet Cong won, suffering 18 dead and 39 wounded, with the ARVN suffering 83 dead, and 108 wounded.

Why was the battle of Ap Bac fought?

The battle of Ap Bac was planned after a Signals Intelligence unit located a VC radio transmitter in the village. The ARVN planned and executed the plan with American advisers attached to some units. The US/ARVN did not know that the village was as fortified as heavily as it was. The battle plan fell apart almost immediately and the usual lack of aggressiveness on the part of the ARVN and the lack of a single chain of command for both the US and the ARVN caused mistakes. There is no question in my mind that the VC won this battle. The lack of aggressiveness on the part of some ARVN units continued through the AAmerican involvement. The chain of command problem, at least for the AAmericans, was worked out. Lt. Col. John Paul Vann was over the area in an L-19 and may have contributed to some of the problems, especially with the helicopters and airborne drop. Bob Hoffman Captain, Infantry 118th AHC (1966-67) USARV OH-6A TT (1969-70)

When did US invade Africa?

i dont really no when but uhh we used them as slaves cuz we were too lazy we were stupid bac then in the like 1700 to 1800

What do the stripes on the South Vietnamese flag mean?

The three horizontal stripes on the South Vietnamese flag represent the three regions of Vietnam: Bac(Northern), Trung(Central), and Nam(Southern).

How many units of vodka could cause death and where can you find the information on units consumed in relation to death?

The proof (alcohol content) of the vodka is a variable factor. Another variable is the weight of the person consuming it. Still a third factor is the tolerance for alcohol. A regular drinker can handle more then a teetotaler. Reaching an alcohol level of .35 is potentially fatal, but there are those that have hit .41 and survived. LD50 of alcohol is .40%, which means that reaching that blood alcohol count would kill half of the people that reached it. A heavy drinkier has been known to survive a .914 BAC, but that would kill 99.9% of people.

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How many people died in 2006 due to drunk driving?

In 2006, there were 43,470 fatalities in crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver (BAC of .08 or higher) - 47 percent of total traffic fatalities for the year.

A person BAC will go down if they?

A person's BAC will go down if they simply do nothing. In fact, people cannot speed up the process of metabolism.

How is BAC measured?

its measured by BAC level of 0.8

How to create bac?

spell the word bac right.

How many drinks in half hour for bac of 0.25?

Depends on the individual.

Is there such thing of a 2.5 BAC?

No, a BAC of .30 is where it is it considered fatal

What is the population of Bac Kan?

Bac Kan's population is 29,227.

What is the population of Bac Giang?

Bac Giang's population is 126,810.

What is the population of Bac Mòr?

Bac Mòr's population is 0.

When was BAC Mirande created?

BAC Mirande was created in 1975.

When did BAC Mirande end?

BAC Mirande ended in 1997.

What is the population of Bac Me District?

The population of Bac Me District is 40,822.