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Q: How many people died from the famine in China during the 1870s?
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What is the worst famine ever?

The worst famine ever was the four famines in China during 1810-1850. These famines (which are usually grouped together as one famine) had a death toll of over 45,000,000.

How many people are starving in Africa?

At the moment people in China are not starving, China is a developed country.

What were the key developments in China during the 1940s-1960s?

Government Started the Five Year Plan and the Great Leap Forward, and a famine kills 30 million people, & formation of the Red Guards. Hundreds of thousands of people are killed.

Government corruption and famine in China led to?

Taiping Rebellion

What happened in china 1850s-1870s?

the qin dynasty happened. just look it up in the internet.

What was the impact of Mao Zedong's great leap forward in china?

Mao's focus on rural steel production led to widespread famine and starvation.

Which was a result of Mao's Great Leap Forward?

china experienced a severe famine that caused millions of deaths.

What was the Mao Zedong?

The genicide of Mao Zedong was the thousands of people he ordered to death during his revolution. Mao Zedong killed more people than Hilter and Stalin's deaths combined.

How many people died in the unification of China?

Nearly two million people were killed during the unification of China

How did the great china famine begin?

by the freat leap forward and the amount of drought

Who was on North Korea's side during the war?

China and some other people but i only know China

Who was Mao Tse-tung?

Mao Tse-Tung (also known as Mao Zedong) was founder and chairman of the People's Republic of China (mainland China,which was not actually treated as China by the US until the 1970s-Taiwan, the Republic of China under Chiang Kai-Shek, was treated as the real China). Mao was responsible for the Great Leap Forward that resulted in widespread famine, killing 20-30 million people.