About 140,000 people evacuated the area. 663,500 people remained. There was a great deal of confusion in out and out incompetence over whether an evacuation should occur. It wasn't until late into the event, that the voluntary evacuation announcement was issued.
You are probably thinking of the Three Mile Island plant reactor melt down in 1979
Three mile Island near Harrisburg,PA March 28, 1979
I think it is just the name of the river island where the plant is located, and was called that long before nuclear power was developed, but who named it I don't know, you would have to ask the local history group if there is one.
Just to let you know there WAS a meltdown of the reactor core, caused by incompetent operators removing cooling water then they should have been adding more! But the material from the meltdown was fully contained in the core as designed. The worst concern was the possibility of a hydrogen gas explosion (as happened in Fukushima Japan) breaching the containment building, but this was prevented.The term "complete meltdown" used above has no meaning in nuclear engineering, a meltdown is any amount of core melting. One concern with meltdowns is that there may be loss of control and a resulting increase of reactivity, but there can just as easily be a decrease of reactivity and an automatic shutdown depending on the reactor design.
There were many important events in 1979. The USSR invaded Afghanistan, there was a reactor fire on Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, and the Sahara Desert experienced snow for 30 minutes.
The Three Mile Island accident occurred in the United States, specifically in Pennsylvania. It was a partial meltdown of a reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in 1979.
Three Mile Island.
Three Mile Island is located in Pennsylvania. It is situated on the Susquehanna River, south of Harrisburg.
Three Mile Island.
Americans felt less safe after the accident at Three Mile Island. - APEX.
Jimmy Carter was the President of the United States during the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979.
Americans felt less safe after the accident at Three Mile Island.
The Three Mile Island accident in 1979
The nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island occurred in Middletown, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979. It was the most serious accident in the history of the American commercial nuclear power generating industry.
Three mile island was the site of the worst nuclear 'accident' in america's history. The reactor went into meltdown - releasing radioactive material into the atmosphere.
Three Mile Island The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania occurred on March 28, 1979.