usually almost all of them unless they miracuosly jump out of the helicopter before it hits the ground and dont break their legs then yes, they will most likely survive but that barely ever happenes so most people die
Approximately 116
Its drinking alcohol then driving, because you will crash into cars and make people die.
You name it they died that way. Disease, accidents, murder, battles, drowing, robbery are just a few ways.
thousands of people: (
Disease, war, accidents, old age.
How many people die in the uk from Motor cycle accidents
40,000 people die yearly in auto accidents in the US. On average about 89 people are killed daily in auto accidents.
How many people die in car accidents daily in america , 3,700
How many people die in car accidents daily in america , 3,700
5,958 a month
A lot
Over 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
About a million
According to some statistics there are 42,116 people killed due to car accidents.
Around 293 people die because of road related accidents every year.
Impossible to know. Not all are reported and those that are may not be accidents.