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Q: How many people did the US kill during world war 2?
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What are three major reasons for the US not to bomb Japan during World War 2?

it would kill many people

How many people did Winston churchill kill during war?

If you mean how many people did Winston Churchill personally kill in World War 2 he did not kill any. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain. He was not a General in the Royal Army.

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It must've been thousands. The exact number is unclear.

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All of them...

How many people did hitler kill during his lifetime?

1 (himself).

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a lot

How many people did Hitler kill during the Holocaust?

Over 7 million

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20millions millitary died

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How many people were kill ed during the Holocaust?

Around 30 ed's were killed in the holocaust

Who hitler kill the jews?

During World War 2, Adolf Hitler assassinated the Jewish people in many ways. Jewish people suffered in concentration camps, work camps, and used in medical experimentation.