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Q: How many people did King Edward Tudor burn?
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Did Mary Tudor burn king Henry the VIII bones?

This was a myth which is 99% untrue. Nobody can tell for sure whether she did or didn't. Henry VIII was buried next to Jane Seymour.

What did mary tudor do to people who refused to change to cathlic?

Burn them at stake, chop off there heads, all sorts just because they didn't want to change.

What has the author Edward Hector Burn written?

Edward Hector Burn has written: 'Maudsley and Burn's land law' -- subject(s): Cases, Real property 'Maudsley and Burn's trusts and trustees' -- subject(s): Cases, Trusts and trustees

Does Queen Mary kill people?

In Tudor Time,Queen Mary used to burn people who refused to be catholic but if you werea catholic she wouldn't lay a finger on you.

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Duke William of Normandy became King William I of England. This was the start of the Norman Dynasty. William claimed the crown of England because it was promised to him by Edward The Confessor.

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Misunderstood Mary Tudor?

Personally, I think that Mary Tudor really deserved the title 'bloody' because, even though she had a bad and disruptive childhood, she managed to burn alive 284 people during her 5 years of reign. Also she didn't listen to the thoughts of her people, made huge religious changes, married Philip of Spain against the advise of many at court and lost Calais due to marrying him. At the same time, it was Philip of Spain who had made Mary Tudor unhappy and unpopular and also didn't like her very much. Overall, I argue that Mary Tudor deserved the title 'Bloody Mary'.

Who said Burn Baby Burn during watts riot?

Martin Luther King Jr

How was martin Luther king jr descriminated against?

People tried to burn down his house, called him racist things and attempted to kill him.

Are you in love with Edward Cullen?

Yes you can be in love with vampires, but I'm sad they are not real.What is wrong with you?! Edward deserves to burn into a pile of ash and Jacob lit the lighter!

What book did Bella burn in the movie twilight?

she didnt actually burn she felt like she was burning. it was in twilight when James bit her and edward saved her from being a vampier.

Why did William duke of Normandy burn castle at dover?

He burnt it down but then rescued the people who surrendered and paid them for the damages to show he was a cruel but fair king