Worldwide, there are 25,800,000 (25.8 million) Sikhs, but around 75% of Sikhs live in the Indian state of Punjab, where they are close to 59.9% of the population. Large communities of Sikhs live in the neighboring states, and large communities of Sikhs can be found across India. However, Sikhs are only about 2% of the Indian population
Danny er hommi
Well basically sikhs believe in equality and that will effect there actions because they will believe everyone is equal and so they will be kind caring people
Sikhs believe they get reborn.
Why do you want to know? Sikhs don't believe in the caste system. That's for hindus
25 to 30 million
Sikhs make about less than 5% of the worlds population.
Many Sikhs I am one of them
Sikhs have 10 Gurus, all of which has died.
Many Sikhs eat many kinds of animals, so this is not true.
There are about 20 million sikhs in the world. Most of them in India, but there are also many sikhs in Europe, North America, and Australia.
i think you have phrased your question wrong or are unclear, as Sikhs are people who follow the religion Sikhism and are not a country. however there are many Sikhs in the UK, in some areas where there are large numbers of Sikhs there will be Sikh temples built. one such place in the UK is slough, near London slough is a very mutli-cultural and diverse community.
First of all its spelled 'Sikhs' not seeks. Sikhs live worldwide so its hard to imagine how many of them there are in total. But the estimate may at least 2 billion or more!Hope that partially answered your question.
19,215,730 Sikhs live in India
In total there are around 25 million sikhs. It depends on how you view it on practising terms.