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Q: How many people are in the Chinese army today?
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Roughly how many soldiers are in the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

According to records the Chinese People's Liberation Army is the world's largest force in terms of numbers. They have over two million two hundred thousand members.

How do Chinese people eat cat?

this happened many years ago when they were starving, it is not happening today

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There are a great many people in Thailand's army. There are as many as 305,680 people in the Thai army today.

How many years has it been since the Chinese Zodiac was invented?

The Chinese Zodiac was created many years ago by the Chinese people in 2637 BC. Therefore because it is 2011 the Chinese Zodiac was invented 3000 years ago today.

How did the Chinese contribute to Canada?

Many of the Chinese people who came to Canada in the 1800s contributed labor by assisting with the building of railroads. Today, they contribute in the economic, medical, and service arenas.

How many people were killed by the Red Army Faction?

around 40 million Chinese people were killed or murdered during the period of Mao Zedong's regime, Now that is a holocaust.

Do Chinese people worship many gods?

Yes Chinese people do worship many gods

Why did nature kill many Chinese?

Well nature has killed many many people not just Chinese people.

How many people in United States navy?

1,430,895 were on active duty in the United States military as of September 2010. Active personnel1,477,896Reserve personnel1,458,500

How many people in are the army?

Yes, thre are many people in the army, but you wuill never get there because you are not good enough

How many people celebrate Chinese New Year in china?

83 percent of Chinese celebrate Chinese new year

How many things did china invent?

Litreally countless. There are too many things that China has invented, and still many that we don't know. Many things we use today in everyday life were invented by ancient Chinese people.