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Q: How many people are found innocent in trials?
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What is the percentage of innocent people in Salem witch trials?

It is estimated that around 200 people were accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, with 20 individuals being executed. This means that about 90% of those accused were innocent of the crimes they were charged with.

How many people were killed in the Salem Witch trials?

¡ 24 deaths total !

Who were the 7 innecent in the witch trials?

There were more like two hundred innocent. That many people were accused and jailed and none of them were guilty of their supposed crimes.

What are the consequnces of the Salem Witch Trials?

Many innocent lives were lost to ignorance, and religion.

What were the consequences of the Nuremberg war crimes trials?

In post WW 2 Europe, Nuremberg Germany was the city where the allies put Nazi war criminals on trial. The trials exposed to the horror of most people, how many war crimes were committed and how many innocent civilians were put to death. The trials also exposed the Holocaust and the genocide of Jewish people in Europe during the war. Many Nazi's were given death sentences and long prison terms.

How did American show their fear of communism?

Americans showed the fear of communism thorough the McCarthy trials. The trials tried many innocent people for fear they supported communism. Students practiced duck and cover drills in case of raids.

What kind of trials took place in Salem Massachusetts?

Witch trials took place in Salem Massachusetts 1692 which led to the incarceration and death of many innocent individuals.

How do you spell innoncent?

The correct spelling is innocent. The jury found him innocent of all charges. Many innocent persons are also charged, found guilty, and jailed.

How many innocent people died from the atomic bomb?

Depends on how you classify "innocent".

How many people are in the innocent smoothie gang?

there is six people in the innocent gang! well done if you got it right or wrong!

Can an innocent person be sent to jail?

Certainly. Many innocent people have been jailed.

How many people started the witch trials?

Depending on who you ask, either 1, 2, or 3 people begin the trials.