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Apart from the Jews, there were two other classes of people who were executed on mass. The disabled and the Gypsies. Most of the murders of the disabled occurred before the start of the war, and did not happen in the death camps themselves, but were in facilities on which the death camps would later be modeled. The exact numbers of Gypsies murdered is hard to know as they were not all registered as living in one place or another, and were rounded up from across the Nazi territories, but the figure is in the hundreds of thousands.

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8y ago
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11y ago

During the Holocaust it's estimated that about 6 Million people were killed during the Holocaust this included 3 Million Soviet POW and 1.9 Million Non-Jewish Poles.

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11y ago

955478 non jews were killed


The above answer is too precise to be accurate. It suggests, misleadingly, that every death was meticulously recorded and classified.

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12y ago

It is estimated that about 5million non jews were killed in the holocaust

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9y ago

No exact number is known, but estimates place the total of non-Jews killed in the holocaust at about 5 million.

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How many death camps in the world?

Unfortunately, there were dozens upon dozens of death camps, or concentration camps as the Nazis preferred to call them. However, they were all centered in Germany and Poland. Poland was primarily where the camps were because that was basically 'Jew central'. It was also the first country in the war to be invaded and conquered.

Where did the Jew's get murdered?

the Jews were killed at death camps mainly in Poland and Germany by the Nazis

What was the night called that many Jew were killed and taken away to concentration camps?

It was the night of the Kristallench, when the Germans invaded Jews' homes, smashed all their china and crystal, and forced them to go into the death camps

What are three experiences that Jew's had in concentration camps?

torture, lack of sanitation, and hunger answer 2 -- and the most common 'death'

Why did albert Einstein get out of Germany when world war 2 started?

Because he was a Jew and Jews were getting captured and was sent to death camps

What was one consequence of World War 2?

many people died notonly because of the 2 bombs (hiroshima and nagasaki) but also because of hitlers jew camps and because of the soldiers who died in the war itself.

Where were Jews forced to lived?

concentration camps or death camps Edit: Like the above said, they were sent to concentration camps. Although, if they were healthy the Jew was then send to work camps, but before this they lived in the ghettos. (or they had to go hide.)

How many victims that were sent to exterminating camps were killed?

there were 6 million Jew killed in the holocaust

What is The Hellicost?

The holocaust was a time when the German notices took the Jews and put them in camps. The leader of these people was Hitler. He killed many people during this. Mainly the Jew's. Many of them died from sickness, were hung, or gassed.

Are the concentration camps where Jew's were killed haunted?


What were the rules for Jew in 1942?

Actually in 1942 many of the Jews were already being brought to concentration camps

What did the jew's do at the labor camps during the holocaust?
