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All the tribes that were original to the area.

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Q: How many native Americans in 1620?
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How long did it take for the early native Americans to get to America?

September 16, 1620 to November 21, 1620.

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When the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Massachusetts in 1620 there were already Native Americans living in the area. is one of the Native American tribes that the Pilgrims encountered?

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What is the purpose of Thanksgiving day in 1621?

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What were the effects of the european immigration on the native americans?

The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.

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How were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the missionHow were native Americans treated in the mission