It is 271 miles according to Google Maps.
Baton Rouge had many attractions, some attractions include; Baton Rouge Zoo, Old State Capital, LSU Rural life museum, Mississippi River, Dixie Landin.
The driving distance from Grand Canyon National Park to Baton Rouge, Louisiana is 1495 miles via I-40 E per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 21 hours and 38 minutes.
It is 515 miles according to Google Maps taking this route:Take SR-35 EAST, from Scottsboro, to I-59 SOUTH.Take I-59 SOUTH to I-12 WEST to BATON ROUGE at EXIT 1A. To bypass BIRMINGHAM, take I-459 SOUTH (EXIT 137 off I-59 in ALABAMA).
The one in DC is 1139 miles from Baton Rouge.
694 miles
The distance between Baton Rouge, LA and McComb, MS is approximately 80 miles.
150 miles
roughly 1300 miles
about 1000 miles
About 205 road miles.
383 miles
1205 miles
Approx 466 Miles
there are 6 miles. I know that !
81 miles