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Harriet Tubman was a brave and very strong woman. She traveled very long ways to get herself, her family, and as much slaves as she could to freedom. She risked her life nineteen times as a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. As I recall, she escaped to Pennsylvania from Maryland. No one really knows how many miles she had to travel to get to freedom when she escaped.

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152 miles all the way from Maryland to Pennsylvania to escape from slavery

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Q: How many miles did Harriet Tubman travel to get to freedom when she escaped?
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Did Harriet Tubman travel during the night or day?

harriet tubman travels during the day

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fearless, determined, brave, courageous, brave, clever, daring, generous, caring, helpful, independent, strong.

What religious group funded the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave sought to help other escaped slaves to travel north and into Canada. This could not be done by here alone, she needed help. The Quakers largely supported and funded the Underground Railroad.

What other country did passengers on the Underground Railroad travel to?

Very often escaped slaves were not safe living in the North because of the US Fugitive Slave Act. Also because some Northern US States were not friendly to escaped slaves. However, the leader of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, helped the escaped slaves gain refuge in British controlled Canada.

Who were the conductors for the under ground railroad?

the conductors are unknown but the first person to TRAVEL the underground railroad was Harriet Tubman

Why did Harret Tubman become famous?

Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who helped rescue other from slavery using the Underground Railroad, which was a collection of safe houses. Thousands of slaves were able to escape to freedom using this system.

How hard it was for Harriet Tubman to travel on the Underground Railroad?

it was very had they did alot to get where they are now. she was a strong woman what no fear in life. but they rape and shot in her eye

Why did Harriet Tubman wait to see the North Star before the beginning the escape?

Harriet Tubman waited to see the North Star before beginning the escape because it served as a guide for her and other enslaved people on their journey to freedom. The North Star was a reliable celestial marker in the night sky that pointed towards the North, which was the direction they needed to travel to reach free states or Canada. By waiting to see the North Star, Tubman ensured that they were heading in the right direction and increased their chances of a successful escape.

How long has Harriet Tubman been freeing slaves?

The travel time from Maryland to Philadelphia in neighboring Pennsylvania was not extremely long even in the 1840's, only a few days to a week. But escaped slaves were safer traveling only at night as they had to avoid being seen. The shortest distance from Dorchester (near Cambridge, MD) to Philadelphia is about 140 miles, across northern Delaware.

Why did the big dipper help the slaves lead to freedom?

The Big Dipper, as part of the constellation Ursa Major, was used by Harriet Tubman and other conductors of the Underground Railroad as a guide to lead slaves to freedom. The North Star, which is located near the Big Dipper's handle, served as a constant point of reference to help navigate in the night. By following the direction of the Big Dipper and North Star, slaves could travel north toward freedom.

Who built the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman built the underground railroad for the slaves to take a path so the slaves could escape and their owners won't catch them or beat them. Its just like the song follow the drinking gourd and the slaves had to follow the north star and see the drinking gourds its really good if you travel at night because its easier and darker and the masters won't catch them.

What was the purpose of the underground rail road?

The underground railroad began during the period when slavery in the south still existed. There were slaves that had escaped from the south to the north of the Mason-Dixon Line which was a safe place for them. These slaves and some sympathizers in the north were responsible for helping slaves escape from their masters in the south. The underground railroad was a network of homes or other structures where slaves could be held safely until they could move on to the next destination. The slaves were fed and cared for while staying in these "safe houses." A slave would travel through the network of safe houses until he or she reached the north where slavery was illegal and they could stay safely in the open.