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World War II was a drastic and terrible time for the modern people. Tens of millions of people lost their lives, both on the front and as civilians. During this time, many migrants came to Australia seeking a fresh start in life and a new beginning. It is estimated that between 1945 and 1960 over 500, 000 people from Europe, Asia, Africa and the America's arrived in Australia and nearly 85% of such became citizens.

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Q: How many migrants came to Australia during World War 2?
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Where were the Australian migrants from?

Australian migrants came from many differrent parts of the world. There were the British immigrants, the Chinese immigrants and the Greek/Italian immigrants. The British immigrants came to Australia for the growth of Australia's population growth and economy growth. But when Australia realised that they didn't have the numbers they wanted they opened it up to other European countries and Asian countries.

Are the Irish migrants?

If you mean are THERE Irish migrants, then yoe they came to Australia in the 18 hundreds because of poverty famine and bad living situations.

What effects did migrants bring to Australian society?

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What type of people came to Australia during and after the world wars?

Mainly eastern Europeans and a large proportion of jews fled to Australia during and after the war.

Migrants that came to nz and now own fisheries and vineyards?

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What were the primary two ways migrants came to California during the Gold Rush?

across land and by ship.

Why do migrants come to Australia?

Many of them left a life of grinding poverty where some people lived in hovels. They came to Australia in the hope of starting a new and better life for themselves and their children. Some came because they were adventurous. Others because they felt that they could lead in the prosperity that Australia was headed for. From my research for a Master's degree and currently for a PhD it would seem that most British migrants in the 1960s actually came from residential areas and lived in quite comfortable accommodation. Most came because of promises made to them by government publications which promised a 'standard of living among the highest in the world'.

What did Australia offer to migrants?

Very little Migrants came here Some on assisted passage and went through great personal hardship to establish them selves in a society that was generally afraid of the changes that were coming about as the result of emigration.

Italian immigration to Australia?

Australia needs Italian immigrants due to the lack of labor, particularly in the agricultural industry. The Australians came to respect the Italian migrants as they were hard workers and could cope with working in Australia's hot climate. They also came to realize the positive effect their arrival in Australia was doing for our economy. the majority of Italian migrants came to Australia after world war II. Living conditions in Italy were poor for most. Australia soon became a popular option for Italians as the US now had restrictions on allowing Italian immigrants into the country. These restrictions tightened till they allowed virtually no Italian immigrants into the country, in contrast to the 2 million that were allowed in before the war. As a result of this, many Italians were redirected to Australia. Only encouraged by the news of the high living conditions and mountains of opportunities available in this young country. Although many of these rumors were exaggerated, living conditions in Australia were undoubtedly better than those in Italy, and the majority of migrants did not regret their arrival in Australia. Most of who stayed in Australia and eventually acquired land. Italian migrants played a big part in the growth of Australia. They provided us with sorely need labor in the post war period and gained a new respect from the Australian public. This resulted in many migrants being naturalized, and continuing to build a future in Australia.

Did Michael Jackson ever came to Australia?

Yes, he performed there during the Bad and HIStory world tours.

What was the youngest migrant coming to Australia?

there were mant migrants that came here when there were just babies, many of these could have been less than a few weeks old