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he brings 250 men with him .

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Q: How many men did Magellan brought to his expidition to spice island?
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Who helped Ferdinand Magellan go to spice island?

who help ferdinand magellan

Why did Magellan die?

becuse they cuot him sailing to spice island

When did Magellan start his voyage to the spice island?

October in 1521

What are the significance of Magellan's expidition to the Philippines?

Magellan "rediscovered" the Philippines. Magellan's main goal was to find the Spice Island, currently named Malaku Island. He accidentally "discovered" an island in Eastern Visayas, part of the Philippines, and was later killed in a neighboring island, Mactan. The significance of his expedition to find Spice Island was that he proved that the world is round.

Why was magellans expedition important?

Magellan "rediscovered" the Philippines. Magellan's main goal was to find the Spice Island, currently named Malaku Island. He accidentally "discovered" an island in Eastern Visayas, part of the Philippines, and was later killed in a neighboring island, Mactan. The significance of his expedition to find Spice Island was that he proved that the world is round.

Who wanted to find a westward route to Spice Island of Indonesia?

Ferdinand Magellan

I cant find anyway where Ferdinand Magellan tried to find accept from the spice island i want the country?

i love you

Where did Ferdinand Magellan want to go as an explorer?

he wanted you travel to the spice island by going West instead of East

How many years did it take Ferdinand Magellan to find the spice islands?

it took magellan and his men 3 years to reach the spice islands but magellan died in the Philippines

Did Magellan make it to spice islands?

NO because magellan died in battle in mactan

What did Ferdinand Magellan explorer for?

Magellan went to open the "Spice route" without damaging relations with Portugal.

Why did Magellan made ties with the Philippines?

Magellan thought he found the "Spice Island" which was long seeked by the european explorers. So Magellan established a treaty and ties with the natives to assert the claims for the king of Spain. Little did he know that tribal warfare was on going at the time and he sided on the wrong side of the fence. This cost Magellan's life and was killed in the island of Cebu.