Isabella did not give Columbus any men. He had to get them himself out of the prison. He got 90 men.
1492 is the year that Columbus came to America. He did not "discover" America as has been stated in the past. There were Native Americans inhabiting the country, and other white men had explored the Americas before Columbus. However, Columbus' voyage to America led to lasting European contact with America.
Because there was not enough food no survive
It is difficult to account for the direct and indirect consequences of Christophe Columbus' arrival in the New World. Some sources cite him as being directly responsible for the deaths of up to a million people, with many more after that due to the introduction of diseases.
He took dried beef, hard tack, and dried peas for the men to eat, 25 cats for the rats, a priest and the men who sailed the ship.
No, women weren't allowed on Columbus' voyages.
90 men werennguug
He took roughly 87 men
1492 is the year that Columbus came to America. He did not "discover" America as has been stated in the past. There were Native Americans inhabiting the country, and other white men had explored the Americas before Columbus. However, Columbus' voyage to America led to lasting European contact with America.
He had a crew of 35 men.
Vikings 500 years before Columbus. Columbus did NOT find North America. He landed on an island in 1492 while looking for a water route to India. All but a small fraction of the books and people that would prove this were burned and killed by Christopher Columbus and his men in 1492-1493.
Because there was not enough food no survive
It is difficult to account for the direct and indirect consequences of Christophe Columbus' arrival in the New World. Some sources cite him as being directly responsible for the deaths of up to a million people, with many more after that due to the introduction of diseases.
as many as he could fit in hes poopdeck