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Q: How many meal a day did the rich people eat in the Victorian time?
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What were poor Victorian's daily routines?

they had to go to school or they went to work to sweep chimnys

What was t like to be a wealthy Victorian?

no there aren't that many rich people in the Victorian era but there was lots of rich people in the Victorian era. The richest person the Victorian era was queen Victoria and she was really ugly and stinky. She is the fat person i have ever seen in my entire life and she was 80 when she died and the Victorian era ended and this other men came and started ruling.

What did rich Victorian people wear?

bra and thongs

How many bedrooms has a rich Victorian masion?

no bedrooms have a rich Victorian mansion inside it of them. the dimensions of even a large bedroom are to small.

How did rich people live in Victorian times?

They lived freely. Not caring for the not as fortunate people who live on the the streets and eat bread and a very little amount of meat.

What did rich people eat in the Victorian era?

The rich people in the Victorian Era had a diverse diet. A few of the foods they ate were steak and kidney pie, French cuisine, and different meats.

How many cars were produced in the Victorian era?

nobody know but we do know only rich people could afford them.

What did Victorian children where?

rich people wore minature versions of their parents.

Who did the house work in rich people's houses in the Victorian times?


What medicine was used for rich people in Victorian times?

Arsenic and botox

What did rich people eat during the Victorian era?

rich people in the Victorian era eat lots of meats like pheasant and boar.they eat lots of cheese and used lots of spices to preserve meat.

How did rich Victorian children families get rich?

The same way that people are rich today. either by sheer hard work, or inherited.