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3 lives for every 1 pint of blood

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Q: How many lives have been saved by the blood bank?
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It is not necessary to drop atomic bomb to end the war?

It could have not been necessary to drop the atomic bombs to end the war. That would have meant invading Japan. Think Iwo Jima times 10 million. We would have had millions of casulties. Also, we would have lost most of our (the U.S.) fleet because of Japanese kamakasies. In the end, the Atomic bombs saved more lives than the lives lost. The soilders would have had to kill all the Japanese in Japan that had a gun, which would have been MANY of them. In my opinion, the Atomic bombs saved MANY more lives than an invasion of japan.

When were the Jew's saved from the Holocaust?

Generally they would have been saved during the Holocaust, assuming that you are asking when Holocaust victims were saved from the Holocaust.

How long has Bank of America been established?

Bank of America was established in 1904. It was originally founded as Bank of Italy in San Francisco and was targeted at immigrants, but ultimately merged with the Bank of America, Los Angeles.

What Marshall of the Empire did Napoleon claim would have saved the day at Waterloo if he had been there?

Jean-Baptiste Bessieres.

How is a Puritan born?

The Puritans, who came to Massachusetts Bay after the Pilgrims came to Plymouth, came to set up a theocracy, a "city on the hill" that would show the rest of Europe, especially England with its religion that they regarded as corrupted, just what a religious community could be. They were quite fervent, and the ministers were the community leaders. Their doctrines stressed original sin--that all people are sinners (for Adam sinned), but that God, in his infinite mercy, has chosen to save a few. Since He knows everything, he knows who will be saved (and in Heaven) and who will be damned to Hell; however, a person does not know for sure if he or she is saved. Therefore, the Puritans were constantly examining their lives, especially their thoughts and inclinations, to see if they indicated whether they might be saved. They knew that people who "seemed" to live good lives might in fact be sinners and damned (although they recognized that all were sinners.) This inward analysis didn't seem to do much for their lives, sometimes; they did not believe that you could be saved by how you lived, but that how you lived might indicate whether you were saved or not. A couple of generations later, people in Massachusetts had lost much of their attachment to the religion they had been born into, for they had never had to stand up for their faith against prosecution and life was pretty prosperous.

Related questions

How many lives have airbags saved?

lots and lots of lives have been saved by airbags. its indeed very cool.

How many lives have been saved by a AED?

5 billion

How many lives have been saved by organ donations?

many soo yeah many were saved like BILLIONS

How many estimated lives have been saved by the MLDA since 1975?

about 25,000

How effective is blood grouping?

Blood grouping is highly effective. In a way, each year many lives are saved thanks to blood transfusions only because of the blood grouping system; knowing the blood to infuse into someone that has been donated that will react accordingly to the newer hosts body is a result of the blood grouping system.

How many lives saved on motorcycles by wearing a helmet?

Countless, there is no possible way to put a number on the lives saved by riders wearing helmets. There has been no research or tally to ever determine a number of lives saved and I'm sure the number increases daily as more and more accidents occur.

How lives are saved when much needed type of blood is readily available?

Example: I get into a car accident and loose too much blood for my body to replace in time. The only way for me to survive is to have the doctor put blood in me fast. my blood type is A+. A persons body will only accept blood of the same type. So, unless there's A+ blood that has been donated, I die.

How many lives are estimated to have been saved by seat belts each year?

National Traffic Safety Board estimate that approximately 9500 lives are saved a year from the use of seatbelts. This is from a NTSB driver's ed video.

Have more lives been saved than killed in animal testing?

animals are killed purposely so mostly killed

What is baptism of blood in the Catholic Church?

Baptism of blood refers to martyrdom. A person who through no fault of their own has not been baptized but dies for the Faith will be saved anyway.

Wwhen you close a file what happens?

If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.

When you close a document what happens?

If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.If the file has not been saved at all or changes have been made since it was last saved, Word will ask if you want to save it. It will save it quickly if it has been already saved and if it has not been saved, you will need to give it a name, specify where it is to be saved and in what format it is saved into. When the file is closed, it will be unloaded from Word and from the computer's memory.