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29 airplanes and 5 mini-subs were lost; 29 aircrewmen if single engine fighters, and 2 crewmen per sub. If some of the airplanes were torpedo or dive bombers they had 3 crewmen per airplane.

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Q: How many japaness lives where lost at pearl harbor?
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How many lives were lost at pearl harbor?

About 2400

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Because of the number of lives lost at Pearl Harbor.

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Many lives were lost, and the Japanese lost many lives also. Some of the supplies was gone too,

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On December 7th, 1941 when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, 2,403 American civilians were killed.

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Because about 2388 American lives were lost when Japan attcked it

How many lives did the Japanese kill in Pearl Harbor?

2,403 this includes military & civilians. The Japenese lost 64.

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See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

How many air crafts were lost in Pearl Harbor?

Japanese lost 29 aircraft on the attack on pearl harbor The Americans lost 188 aircraft on the ground and in the air.

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The USS Arizona Memorial Pearl Harbor, commemorates the 1,177 crewmen who were killed on December 7, 1941 in Pearl Harbor invasion by Japan. The names of the crewmen who lost their lives are engraved on the marble wall.