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Q: How many irishmen fought with Pancho Villa?
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How many times was Pancho Villa married?

Pancho Villa married to María Luz Corral in 29 May 1911

How did Pancho Villa contribute to the Mexican Revolution in 1910?

francisco pancho villa, pancho villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and wanted agrarain reform. though he was a killer, a bandit, and revolutionary leader many remember him as a folk hero

How many years was Pancho villa governor of Chihuahau Mexico?

Villa was the governor of chihuahau from 1913 - 1914.

How many kids did pancho villa?

pancho villa had 23 children hahahhaha OMG like he had so many its not even funny xavier :PP no really xqaavier its not so stop laughing!! if you cant really answer seriously dont answer

Who was the US general that pursued Pancho Villa?

True. Though his army killed many, they didn't capture Pancho villa.

Who is the first box office king in the Philippine?

Pancho Villa Click on the 'Pancho Villa' link on this page to read a short bio of the man many believe is the greatest fighter in Asian history.

How did pancho villa become a legend?

He became a legend because he had been a sucessful revolutionary leader and had won many battles.

Who was the rebel leader in Mexico in the 1900s?

There were many, but the most important include Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata and Venustiano Carranza.

How many kids did Pancho Villa have?

Pancho Villa married many times and would have the judge burn the papers after the ceremony freeing him to marry again when he was interested in a new girl. He marreid Soledad Seanez Holguin in a church and civil wedding in 1919. She lived to be 100 years old according to the New York Times. He was also married to Maria Luz Corral and had a child by her. He also was married to Juanita Torres, and Austreberta Renterata.

How did bandit change father and colins relationship?

Pancho Villa was a Mexican revolutionary leader who advocated for the poor and wanted agrarian reform. Though he was a killer, a bandit, and a revolutionary leader, many remember him as a folk hero. Pancho Villa was also responsible for a raid on Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, which was the first attack on U.S. soil since 1812.

Did Pancho Villa kill Catholic priests?

I recently heard from two women that were born in the 1920's that Pancho Villa and his group sought shelter in a Catholic Church. Only to find small rooms with many bones of babies. It angered Pancho Villa so much that he destroyed the statues and drove out the Priests. I was informed that for some time the Catholic Religion was not accepted in the region of Mexico for quite some time. Whether this is true or not. These elderly women seem to believe so. Whether he killed the priests or not I do not know. But if he went that far then I would think so. Maybe?

What was pancho villa known for?

Pancho Villa was born on June 5, 1878