270. (watch the movie "W"). See economic aftermath of 9/11 blog for more movies with the 270 code. A Baseball runner turns a total of 270 degrees to reach home plate.
only if there were 598 or 599 electoral votes An absolute majority of 538 electoral votes is 270 or more.
Todd is the sole survivor with 4 votes. Courtney is second with 2 votes. Amanda is third with 1 vote.
No; they need to keep playing until someone wins, no matter how many overtimes are needed. Somebody HAS to win.
The public votes to select who the Electoral delegates will vote for. In most states, state law dictates that the Electoral delegates must vote for the candidate who won their state's election. At least one state awards Electoral votes to the candidate who wins each Congressional district.
328 wins
A candidate must receive a majority of votes to win an election. The specific number of votes needed varies depending on the election and the voting system in place. In most cases, it is the candidate who receives more than 50% of the votes cast who wins.
only if there were 598 or 599 electoral votes An absolute majority of 538 electoral votes is 270 or more.
1988: George H. W. Bush wins 29 electoral votes from Texas.1992: George H. W. Bush wins 32 electoral votes from Texas.2000: George W. Bush wins 32 electoral votes from Texas.2004: George W. Bush wins 34 electoral votes from Texas.
The award is determined by a committee. The committee takes many votes and determines who the winner is.
There are 538 votes in the electoral college. The candidate who wins a simple majority of 270 votes wins the election.
It depends on the state. Most have a winner-take-all approach, where whoever wins gets all the electoral votes. A few states can split their electoral votes, depending on who wins in each district.
36 wins are needed to be in playoff.
The most popular candidate.
the president does not get elected by winning a certain number of states. each state represents a certain number of electoral votes; depending on their population. For example, Texas has a lot more people than Rhode Island, so they will have more electoral votes. If the presidential candidate wins a state, he receives all of their electoral votes. This means that even if a presidential candidate wins 30 states, it is possible that his rival may get more electoral points even if he only wins 20, as long as he has more votes, which is how he would be elected president
A plurality election means that the person who wins the largest amount of votes wins the election.
If no one votes in an election, there will be no winner since there are no votes to determine a victor. Elections usually require participation and votes to determine the outcome.
To earn your belts, you must play in Competition Mode and defeat many opponents. As you keep earning more belts, you have to start defeating more people. There are a total of nine belts that you can earn. Like I said, you earn a belt after you win a certain amount of times. Here is a chart that shows you how many wins you need to earn your next belt (credit to Chrisdog93). White belt - 5 total wins needed. Yellow belt - 13 total wins needed. Orange belt - 21 total wins needed. Green belt - 30 total wins needed. Blue belt - 40 total wins needed. Red belt - 52 total wins needed. Purple belt - 64 total wins needed. Brown belt - 76 total wins needed. Black belt - 88 total wins needed. Remember - they are total wins. You do not need to win all of those times in a row.