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The standoff began on 28th February 1993 and ended on 19th April 1993, a total of 51 days inclusive. (c.f.

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Q: How many days did the FBI's standoff with the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas last?
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Why do you need FBIs and detectives?

Ok!Its like you have a child and she or he was abdukted and you need to now where she or he is that's why you need FBIs and dectectives.its like you had a child and need to know where your child is that's why you need FBIs and dectectives.its like you had a kid and it was abducted and you wanted to know wheryour child wwhere it is that's you need FBI and dectectives

What do FBIs do for are society?

FBI is an abbreviation of Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is a body that is tasked with criminal investigation and the collection of internal intelligence.

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Why was Osama bin Laden killed?

He was the mastermind behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks and on the FBIs most wanted list. It is reported that troops attempted to detain him but he fought back, resulting in a fire fight and his death.

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Do the FBI hack into other computer systems?

YES, THEY DO. You see, some FBIs care so much for their country that they will hack into other random people's computer or laptop and delete all your sample pictures and put pictures of porn. Porn is illeagle to put on your computer so when they tell the government, they'll lock your computer or laptop and usually charge you $450.000 just to unlock your computer or laptop. The whole reason FBI's do this is because when you pay the $450.000 they'll want to take it so that they can pay China. See, America owes China $4,000,000,000 and we never payed them back yet. China is now annoying America because China didn't get their money yet. They have been doing this since 2011. And now America and FBI's fed up with it.

Why did Johm McCain make 31 propaganda tapes for the enemy and then classify them?

The number of "propaganda tapes" made by McCain and other Prisoners of War has been disputed almost from the time they were first heard. Remember, the North Vietnamese didn't exactly send cassette tapes to the USA news media. The North Vietnamese Government broadcasted a huge quantity of programs using both AM radio (like we have in the USA) and over Short Wave (International Broadcasting). Almost all of those broadcasts were intercepted by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) which was and is an overt activity that is part of the CIA. Other recordings were intercepted by the various Military Intelligence organizations, which sent the taped broadcasts to the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA has not released any of their tapes, indeed they have not admitted that they still possess the tapes. Their story is that the tapes were erased some 30 years ago. The FBIS tapes are obtainable from the National Archives, which has a duplication service and will copy the tapes over to CDROMs in .wav format. They do this for people who want to obtain copies of the Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy secret taping of Oval Office conversations. However, you have to wade through hundreds of thousands of hours of scratchy, low-fidelity and static filled tapes; an impossible task for the casual inquirer. The Archives are not admitting that the FBIS tapes are "searchable" by the name of the individual making the broadcast. Perhaps this is true, perhaps is it not. I know for a fact that there exist tapes of Prisoners of War who made statements which were broadcast. The Department of Defense POW/MIA Affairs office has their copy. Whether they ever see the light of day, only time will tell -- and that will be long after you and I are dead and gone. Now, having said all of that background, you absolutely MUST understand that prisoners such as Captain McCain were tortured incessantly. Every day in their lives brought some type of physical injury, torture and pain and suffering. This was the North Vietnamese way of POW treatment. McCain is only one of many POW's who were tortured and forced to make statements at odds with the US Government's position at the time vis a vis the Vietnam War. Remember that some anti-war protestors went to North Vietnam and made broadcasts of their own free will. Jane Fnda is one of those. Almost all Vietnam Veterans consider such voluntary acts to be treasonous. It is an established fact that some POW's in the custody of the North Vietnamese acted in a less than honorable manner. Matter of fact, McCain was one of several officers who attempted to press charges against several unnamed individuals whom he observed acting in a manner which was injurious to the other POWs. The President and Secretary of Defense quashed all of those attempts at prosecution. They cited the public spectacle of courts martial which happened after the Korean War POW's were returned by the North Koreans (who also brutally tortured the POWs).

How many years of college does it take to become a psychological profiler?

A long time. Most likely you would need a degree in psychology or a related field (four to five years). Then you would need to gain employment with a large law enforcement agency and gain years of experience. In the United States, criminal profilers would usually need a degree in behavioural and/or forensic sciences. A double major would be useful, and the time to complete a degree in these areas may vary depending on which faculty or degree you decide to complete and how far you want to go in that area (i.e. degree, masters, ph.d.). These degrees alone will not necessarily make you eligible to do profiling work. Australia has a similar approach. Both countries usually have profiling work done within law enforcement agencies, and so working within law enforcement for a period of time would probably be of the most benefit. In the United Kingdom, profiling work is usually based on investigative work by psychologists. Despite where you live, finding work in a field where you would be called upon to conduct "criminal profiling" is competitive. See related link below for the FBIs requirements for working in the NCAVC.

Who hates johova witnessess?

people that hate life , the Jehovah's Witnesses are nice peopleSatan the Devil, his demons and his followers, hate Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses are also 'witnesses' of the lies and murder the devil and his demons are guilty of. Some persons believe that the Devil is just a goat-like creature with horns, hoofs and a long, pointed tail. Well, Satan and his demons are rebels (John 8:44).Before the Flood of Noah's day, these demons could materialize humans bodies: Genesis 6:1-4-- "Now it came about that when men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, then the sons of the [true] God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good-looking; and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. After that Jehovah said: "My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years." The Neph′i·lim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame". So, these wicked angels produced the Nephilim, 'Fellers of Men' or Giants, as different Bible translations say, perverting God's creation. The Earth was so filled with violence, God brought about the Great Deluge. The Nephilim died along with everyone else who refused listen to Noah and get into the Ark (2Peter 2:5). 'Criminals' hate the person who 'unmasks' them, so it is no surprise that Satan hates Witnesses!ADDITIONALLYI would like to add that many people dislike Jehovah's Witnesses based upon misinformation.FURTHERI have found the previous answerer's comment to be correct from personal experience. On more than one occasion, I have come across people at my workplaces, business, and other contacts, that were surprized to find out that I was a witness, because they didn't previously think of us as "normal" people. Many were told by their clergymen, family, or friends that we are some kind of a weird reclusive cult. I am not sure exactly what some of them thought that would distiguish us as different....maybe they thought we would be doing some kind of a prayer dance or something....not sure, but anyway, many times I have had the experience of people who find out that I was one of those "dreaded JW's" and actually decide that we are not all like they were told we are. People are often surprized to find out that their dentist, mailman, cable guy, insurance agent, car mechanic, etc are actually JW's. Additionally: Well there are very many people who hate us just because of the name we stand for. There are many kids that I've gone to school with that were very surprised at first that I was a witness but then they started asking me all of these questions and I really enjoyed having the ability to answer them. But on occasion I have been greatly persecuted by some students and it was very hard but with the help of Jehovah's Holy Spirit I was able to endure. And also this goes along with what Jesus said that if they persecute me they will persecute you also. So we expect to have some opposition and we learn how to deal with it, we try not to take it personally or get our feelings hurt just because someone doesn't like our religion. But many times people don't make fun of me but they respect my beliefs even though they don't believe the same way. And others just don't know enough about Jehovah's Witnesses so they just go by what they hear and they base their views on us that way.FROM AN OUTSIDE VIEWPOINT...Now any Witnesses reading this, please try to understand. Just so you know, I am a catholic but I recently started dating a Witness. Now I never thought of them as weird, but the reason I've heard most often for disliking them is the way they try to get people to understand their religion- you know, the whole thing where they go up to random strangers' houses and start trying to show them their religion. I have heard stories from adults about how they made fun of the witnesses or their mothers did, and while I think that is wrong, it was still kinda funny. (Sorry, I heard that story when I was like 8. I don't think it's funny anymore, just rude.) My boyfriend's mom, while she is very nice most of the time, can get amazingly preachy and disses my religion as though I was a Satan worshiper, which I am NOT. It makes me cry. She kinda just randomly jumps down my throat about it, and that is the problem I have with her. I don't know if there are a lot of Witnesses like that, but that could be a reason why people don't personally like them. Most of the time, though, I don't mind them. Just when the preachy-ness sets in.JASMIN HATES DEM!!!DEY DESTROYED MY LIFE WEN MA DAD GOT KILLED!!I will tell you that i certainly do not. many of my friends are, even though i am not. if you hate them so much keep it to your self because one day you will tell this to some one that is a jahova witness they will not be very happy. if you hate them because they don't celebrate holidays, well that is just their religion. your very lucky that i am not a jahova witness.Answer: I'm one of Jehovah's witnesses and so far, I've met more people who like witnesses than those who actually hate us. but i can tell you, that a lot of people do hate us. most ex witnesses don't like witnesses, and will do anything to slander our name. so basically apostates hate us a lot.Wow; seriously who could be more rude about people. its just how they are and i know a couple and they are some of the nicest girls ever! =]