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There wasn't really an exact amount.

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Q: How many countries were involved in the holocaust?
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How many different countries were involved in the holocaust?


What countries were involved in the holocaust resistance?

because it was awsome

What countries were not involved in the Holocaust?

Russia, America, Canada, Sweeden, Austrailia, Africa

Who was involved in the holocaust names of groups of people and countries?

Please see the related questions.

Why did allied countries not get involved in helping holocaust victims?

because they were looking after their own people

How many Jews involved in the Holocaust?

6 million were murdered but i don't know how many were involved.

Did they have Mexicans in the Holocaust?

Yes, there were Mexicans involved in the Holocaust, as well as numerous other nationalities. Also, some Holocaust survivers left Europe, and immigrated to Mexico and other Latin American countries.

What countries fought with Germany in the Holocaust?

The holocaust began almost as soon as Hitler invaded Poland. It began in small ways and then grew. Most of the world was involved in WW2. Some of the countries that fought with Germany were:ItalyJapanAlbaniaBulgariaFinlandHungaryRomaniaThailand

What Specific Countries Did Not Help In The Holocaust Genocide?

Untied States was one of the many countries whom at at first did not help during the holocaust

Was the Holocaust being kept a very big secret to the world or did other countries know what was going on in Germany and Europe?

The sad thing is other countries did know, the fact is other countries were also facing tough times, as it was going on during the war. many countrues were not in a strong enough state to do anything about the situation in Germany and the other countries involved with the holocaust!

How many German soldiers were included in the Holocaust?

'Involved' as victims or perpetrators?

How many countries were involved in the napoleon wars?

5 countries were involved