The Romans conquered lands which are now the following modern counties or parts of countries: Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, France, Britain and Wales, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland south of the River Rhine, Southern Germany and part of central Germany, Switzerland, Austria, part of western Slovakia, the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, part of Romania, a slither of Moldova, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, northern Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, a slice of the coast of the Red sea coast of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, coastal Libya, Tunisia, coastal Algeria and northern Morocco.
The Romans ruled one empire, the Roman Empire. On the borders of the empire there were often kingdoms that were affiliated with Rome called client kingdoms. These were independent, but were bound to Rome by treaty. They could be loosely likened to the patron/client relationship among individuals. After the so-called fall of Rome, independent countries began to develop under the various warlords and tribal kings. They were not defined as they are today, they were the ancient beginnings of modern countries.
At its greatest extent in 166 BC the Roman Empire covered the following modern countries or parts of modern countries:
Western Europe: Italy, Malta, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland south of the river Rhine, southern Germany and part of central Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Austria and England and Wales.
Eastern Europe :western Hungary, part of western Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and a slither of western Ukraine.
Asia: Turkey, Cyprus, Armenia, Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Palestine, Jordan, and the northern part of the coast of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes the empire also included Iraq.
Africa: Egypt, the coastal part of Libya, Tunisia, the coastal part of Algeria, and northern Morocco.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
The world at the time of the Romans was not divided into counties. The Romans conquered territories and kingdoms which in later times became countries. The concept of counties is a modern political division, comparable to the "nomes" of ancient Egypt.
2000 years ago
Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.
In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.
6 inches
2000 years ago
Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.Computers and aircraft would have helped the Romans to rule their empire, big time.
No. Asia has many countries and they rule themselves.
In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.In 509 BC the Romans revolted against the Etruscan king.
About 50
About 50
Because the Romans occupied many Countries in the world.
Many small Countries and Canada Canada is not under British rule. It is independent. All territories still under British rule are very small.
in 1989