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Q: How many colonies did triple alliance and triple entente control around the world?
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Who controlled the seas around Europe the Triple Alliance or Triple Entente?

Triple Alliance

Why is the 1904 Entente cordiale called a diplomatic revolution?

Because, obviously, it was a revolution in diplomatic relations. The french and the britons had had a difficult relation ship in the aftermath of the napoleonic wars. This entente was, in that viewpoint, unexpected and new. This also completely turned around the powerrelations on the continent, and made Italy leave the tripple alliance with Germany and Austro-Hungary.

Triple Alliance countries?

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. (Italy later switched sides to join the Triple Entente: Great Britain, Russia and France; the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria later joined the Triple Alliance).

Name the two alliances that Europe was divided into at the start of World War 1?

The first alliance was the Triple Entente which was made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia with the United States joining around the end of the war. The second was the Central Powers, also known as the Triple Alliance. The Central Powers was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

What two alliances fought against each other in World War 2?

If by "teams" you mean what there the names of the two sides in WWI. They were the Central powers and the the Allied powers.The Entente Powers were the countries at war with the Central Powers during World War I. Triple Entente was made up of the United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire; Italy entered the war in 1915.Japan, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Romania and the Czechoslovak legion were minor members of the Entente.The United States entered the war as an Associated power on the side of the Entente.They became known as the Allied Powers during that war.The Central Powers; the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria. were originally known as the Triple Alliance, and fought against the Allied Powers that had formed around the Triple Entente.

What countries did the United Kingdom control through history?

Around 50 countries plus the original 13 American colonies.

How did the central powers get its name?

In World war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire. Italy was initially part of that alliance ("triple alliance") but because it switched side to the Entente, in order to conquer some territory from Austria. The triple alliance waged war against the triple entente, with France, Russia and UK with the commonwealth, but it started with the conflict in the Balkan. Also others, beside Serbia etc joined the Entente, like Japan and USA. The Germany and Austria-Hungary were central European states and the war was fought all around them, so it wasn't strange to call them "central powers".

Why does yeast colonies never allow other bacterial colonies to grow around in any media?

The yeast colonies never allow other bacterial colonies to grow around any media because they don't want competition. The yeast colonies never allow other bacteria colonies to grow around any media because they eliminate competition.

Was there a tribe named Pocahontas?

No, Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, the chief of the Tsenacommacah alliance. Tsenacommacah was an alliance of about thirty smaller chiefdoms in and around Tidewater Virginia.

Around 1900 which European country had the most colonies?

Britain definitely had most colonies

What mountain range separates the colonies from the land of the west?

The Appalachian Mountains separate the colonies from the land to the west.

Where did the rebel alliance get its funding?

From Bail Organa and other sympathisers around the galaxy.