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Q: How many cities in china have a population greater than 1 000 000?
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How many cities in china have a population over 3 million?

There are 10 cities in the People's Republic of China (mainland China) that have a metropolitan population of over 3 million. Just go to Wikipedia and look at demographics.

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There are a total of 86 cities in the state of Nebraska.

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That depends on what is meant by "major city". Egypt has 25 cities each of which has a population greater than 100,000.

How many times would australia fit into asia?

Using population estimates from 2013, Australia's population would fit in to China's population about 59 times. (China's population is about 59 times greater than that of Australia.)

How many times greater is China's population than Australia?

China's population is approximately 13 times larger than Australia's.

The four largest cities in china?

The four largest cities in China are Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. They are all major economic and cultural hubs in the country, with dense populations and bustling urban environments.

How many cities does China have?

China has 665 cities, supposedly, from what I've read on the internet... Which is a lot when compared to the US's 285 cities. Usually, the definition of a city is any urban population of over 100,000 permanent inhabitants with defined boundaries. Although, there are a few definitions of the term 'city'. And as a side-note, Russia has 164 cities. Just thought I'd throw that in there for comparison. :)

How many times does China's population go into Australia's population?

in can't china's population is the largest in the world

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How many times greater is China's area than Australia's?

it is greater by 23

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There are 22 cities in Xinjiang, an autonomous region in western China.

How many historical cities are there in China?

i think there is about 300