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aboot 75000 where killed by land mine in WWII

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Q: How many children killed by landmines in the world?
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How many landmines are in France?

they killed my mom :(

How many Landmines are there still around the world?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the presence of landmines can vary by location and may not always be accurately recorded. In general, it is estimated that there are millions of landmines still around the world, particularly in conflict-affected regions and areas with a history of warfare.

How many people are injured or killed by landmines each month?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of people injured or killed by landmines each month as the data can vary. However, it is estimated that hundreds of people are affected by landmines globally every month, with many of them resulting in serious injuries or fatalities.

How many are killed by landmines a day?

Almost none, these days. There were times during the Iran-Iraq war when hundreds of people were killed each day by landmines, or after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan where the Soviet army dropped tens of thousands of mines. These days, the most heavily mined area in the world is the border between North Korea and South Korea; there may be hundreds of thousands of mines laid there.

How meny children got killed in World War 2?

There is no exact figure of how many children were killed around the world in World War 2 because many were not on any census and many were simply obliterated in bombs. I can tell you that more civilians died in the war than military personnel. Many Japanese, Okinawans and other islanders committed suicide and killed the children too.

How many active landmines are there scattered in the world?

It is difficult to determine the exact number of active landmines worldwide as many are unrecorded and scattered across various regions. However, it is estimated that there are millions of landmines still posing a threat in over 60 countries. Efforts are ongoing to clear these hazardous devices to prevent further casualties.

How many children die in war every day?

It is estimated that during the first decade of the 21rst century, 2 million children died in war and violence in any conflict in the planet. It means 200 thousand children per year. As there is always an armed conflict somewhere, we can estimate that everyday an average of 547 children are killed in armed battles, landmines and other war events.

How many countries are afeccted by landmines?

As of 2021, at least 64 countries and territories worldwide are affected by landmines, with widespread contamination mainly found in countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Angola. Efforts are ongoing to remove these deadly devices and support victim assistance programs in affected regions.

How many children were killed in world war 1?

Loads of children died Over 10000!!

How many landmines were planted in Afghanistan?


What does a landmine look like?

Landmines have many looks. Many look like frisbees. But trust me, don't go throwing them around.

How many land mines are in the world?

Latest estimates are over 100 million in up to 64 different countries. this is the number of landmines already in place. The various countries which still produce landmines for use have several million more in existing stocks.