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Q: How many catholics were there on the first fleet?
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Were there Catholics in the First Fleet in 1788?

Yes. Roman Catholics were aboard the First Fleet. The First Fleet consisted of some Irish Catholics as well as the English prisoners.

What year did Catholics migrate to Australia?

from WikiPedia:Catholicism arrived in Australia with the British First Fleet in 1788. The first Australian Catholics were mainly Irish.

What was the religion of the First Fleet?

The people of the First Fleet were mostly (about 90%) made up of Anglicans, with around 9% being Catholics and another 1% smaller minority Christian denominations.

How many sheep were there on the First Fleet?

According to the website First Fleet Fellowship, there were 44 sheep on board the First Fleet.

How many female convicts were in the First Fleet?

There were 180 female convicts on the First Fleet.

How many sails on the First Fleet?

well actually, the first fleet has 11 ships so it dependst on how many sails on each ship

How many convicts were a on the First Fleet?


How many tons did Lady Penrhyn First Fleet weigh?

The Lady Penrhyn of the First Fleet had a weight of 333 tons.

How many Muslims were in first fleet?

There was not a single Muslim in the First Fleet. Muslims only migrated to Australia much later.

How many convicts died in the First Fleet?

23 people died in the fist fleet voyage

How many convicts didn't survive the First Fleet?

It seems that they they did relatively well on the First Fleet. However the same can not be said for the many convicts transported to Australia after that.

Did the convicts have a diary on the first fleet?

some of them did but not many