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Q: How many casualties were there in the battle of the rich mountain on the confederate side?
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How many people of the Union and the confederate died in the Battle of Bull Run?

There were about 2,000 Union casualties and approximately 4,000 Confederate casualties.

How many death were there in the Battle of Gettysburg?

About 50,000 casualties total. Union Casualties, 23,000 Confederate Casualties, 25,000

How many people died in the battle of Manases?

847 American casualties. 460 of them were Union casualties. The other 387 casualties were Confederate.

How many casualties were their in the battle of atlanta?

The Battle of Atlanta started on July 22, 1864. The casualties on the Union side were 3,641 and the casualties on the Confederate side were 5,500 for a total of 9,141.

How many confederacy casualties were in the Battle of Shiloh?

The Confederate forces are reported to have suffered about 10,699 casualties in the battle:1,728 killed 8,012 wounded959 captured/missing

How many casualties in the confederate states in the Battle of Antietam?

About 2,700 killed and 9,029 wounded.

How many men were wounded on the first day of Gettysburg?

On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg there were about 9,000 Union casualties and 6,000 Confederate casualties.

How many southerns died in the fredericksburg battle?

The Confederate casualties in the Battle of Frederiscksburg were: 4,656 dead and wounded and 653 prisoners and missing.

Results from the Battle of Gettysburg?

High Casualties, Many soldiers retreating, and Confederate Victory.

How many soldiers were wounded or killed in the Battle of the Wilderness?

The Union casualties were: 14 823 wounded and dead. The Confederate casualties were: about 8 000 wounded and dead.

How many casualties were there on the Battle of Gettysburg?

There were 3,155 Union Men Killed.4,708 Confederate Men were also Killed.

How many confederate soldiers died in second fort Sumter battle?

The Confederate Army casualties were 1481 dead, 7627 wounded and 89 prisoners and missing.