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Napoleon was very victorious in many battles and who people think won those depends on your standpoint or point of view. I can list seven batlles he absolutely did not win:

1. 1796 combat at Caldiero is significant as being Bonaparte's first

undisputable defeat in open field, and although most of the

Napoleonic authors passed quickly over this episode to describe

and analyze the following battle of Arcole in much more

detail, the fact remains that by the standards of the Italian

Campaign Caldiero is a significant engagement. Napoleon was much

depressed by his defeat, and on next day he wrote a letter to the

Directory that he would oppose the Austrians once again but

that he had no hope of stopping their drive to Mantua and would

probably retreat to the line of the river Ada.

Austrian commander: Alvinczi

Armies: 12,500 French vs 12,000 Austrians

2. 1809 Aspern-Essling

Although he would later claim a victory, the Emperor had

sufferred his first major defeat. He lost out to the determined

Austrians under Archduke Charles.

After Essling, Napoleon's position was one of extreme anxiety.

The news of the reverse spread like wildfire throughout Europe

offering every encouragement to his enemies.

Allied commanders: Archduke Charles

Armies: 65,000 French vs 90,000 Austrians

3. 1812 Beresina Crossings

Napoleon lost 25,000 killed, wounded, and prisoners. The

Russians lost 20,000. Additionally at least 10,000 Frenchmen

were masacred by Cossacks,while another 20,000 died in the

freezing river or were crushed to death in the panic to cross -

the bridges. Only few thousands managed to escape . In this

situation the Russians became the undisputed masters of the

battlefield . ( Some pro - French authors consider Beresina as

French victory.)

4. 1813 Leipzig

Napoleon withstood Allies assaults and then counterattacked.

Meanwhile another army (under Bennigsen) attacked his flank.

It forced Napoleon to abandon his strongpoints and withdraw

his army closer to Leipzig. Then he was surrounded & crushed.

In terms of casualties and political & strategical results it was

probably Napoleon's greatest defeat. Allied commanders were:

Allies' commanders: Schwarzenberg (Austrians), Tolly (Russians)

Bernadotte (Swedes) and Blucher/Gneisenau (Prussians).

Armies: 200,000 French, Poles, and Germans vs 300,000 Allies

5. 1814 La Rothiere

While he exchanged blows with the Russians to his front , the

Austrians, Bavarians and Wirtembergians attacked his flanks.

Napoleon retreated, it was his first defeat on French soil.

The allied commanders (with the exception of Gneisenau) were

entirely carried away by their enthusiasm and, instead of

organising a vigorous pursuit, wasted the day following

the battle in feasting and mutual congratulations.

Allies commanders: Blucher/Gneisenau

Armies: 45,000 French vs 52,000 Russians, Austrians, Germans

6. 1814 Laon

Allies' stand had prevented Napoleon from driving them north.

The Allies were still in a position to advance on Paris, which

they did at the end of March.

Armies: 35,000 French vs 60,000 Russians and Prussians

Allies commanders: Blucher/Gneisenau

7. 1815 Waterloo

While Napoleon attacked the British-Netherland army (under

Wellington), part of the Prussian army (under Blucher) attacked

his flank. Napoleon was crushed. In strategy as in tactics the

flank attack is one of the most powerful.

Blucher Wellington Armies: 75,000 French vs 122,250 Allies

Allies commanders: Wellington (British, German, Netherland)

and Blucher's/Gneisenau's (Prussians)

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13y ago

57How many battles did Napoleon Bonaparte win in these countries or cities?

Napoleon won numerous battles and he was very victorious in being a conqueror.

Read more: How_many_battles_did_Napoleon_Bonaparte_win

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This doesn't include battles in which an agreement of somesort was made or when both parties were tired and retreated.

His first battle is the ' Siege of Toulon'. Toulon was taken by the Bourbons and occupied by British and Spanish military forces. After a successful attack the harbor was controlled by the French once again. This resulted in Napoleon's promotion (1793)

He won the battle of Montenotte against the Italian and Austrian Army


He won the battle of Mondovi


He won the battle of Lodi( followed by the seizure of Milan)


He won the battle of Castiglione against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Basano against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Arcola against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Rivoli against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Malta against the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem.


He won the battle of the Jaffa against the Turkish army


He won the battle of Aboukir againt the Turkish Army


He won the battle of Marengo against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Ulm against the Austrian army


He won the battle of Austerlitz against the Russian and Austrian army.

This battle is often considered as Napoleon's finest victory.


He won the battle of Jena against the Prussian army, cost him 5000 men but the Prussians lost 25.000


He won the battle of Auerstadt against the Prussian army.


He won the battle of Eylau against the Russian army(reinforced by Prussians).

He lost 22.000 men and Russia lost 23.000.


He won the battle of Friedland against the Russian Army. Russia had over three times as many men than the French, they still lost.


He won the battle of Eckmuhl against the Austrians.


He won the battle of Bautzen against the Prusso-Russian army. It wasn't much of a victory though because Marshall Ney messed up Napoleons plan.


He won the battle of Dresedn against the Prusso-Russian army.


He won the battle of Hanau.


He wont he battle of Ligny against the Anglo-Dutch and Prussian army. This was his last victory


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Napoleon Bonaparte fought 60 battles and lost only seven of those battles.

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Out of about 45 battles, some were clear victories, some pyrrhic victories, some drawn; only three were clear defeats; those of the Beresina, Leipzig and Waterloo.

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14y ago

Napolean was recognized as one of the greatest generals of all time. howver, he also lost several war-changing battles. Napolean won 47 battles and lost 9.

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About 60 named battles.

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About 60.

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