

Best Answer
  • As of August 9, 1945 the US had built a total of 3 atomic bombs and exploded all of them.
  • As of August 14, 1945 the US had built another bomb which arrived in San Francisco on August 18, 1945; but as Japan was surrendering this bomb was returned to Los Alamos unused.
  • The US had production plans and capability to build another 20 atomic bombs before the end of 1945.
  • As of the end of Operation Crossroads in the summer of 1946 the US had built a total of 9 atomic bombs and exploded 5 of them.
  • At the peak of the cold war the US had built several 10s of thousands of atomic bombs, exploded over a 1000 of them in test shots, and stockpiled more than 10000 of them. (Note: this counts only the high yield "strategic" weapons, at the same time the US had stockpiled roughly 30000 low yield "tactical" weapons. these were eliminated in the 1980s.)
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12y ago

The USA dropped two bombs, both of which where on Japan. the smaller of the two was dropped on Hiroshima. The larger of the two was dropped on Nagasaki, even though it didn't look like that was so. the reason there was more destruction in Hiroshima then Nagasaki is because the shape of the land. Hiroshima is flat and Nagasaki is in a valley that is kinda like a bowl.

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Q: How many atomic bombs did the US drop and the end of World War 2?
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How many atomic bombs did the us drop?


How many bombs did we drop on Japan?

2 atomic bombs and 2 million HE bombs and 5 million incendiary fire bombs

Why may it have been a bad idea to drop the Atomic bombs on Japan?

Because the atomic bombs killed many more Japanese civilians than it did military personel.

How many Atom Bombs did America bomb on Japan?

Two atomic bombs was drop on Japan at the end of the second World War. The first on Hiroshima and the second on Nagasaki

Haw many A-bombs did Britain have in World War 2?

Atomic bombs- Zero.

How many atom bomb us wanted to drop on japan?

The USA only had 2 atomic bombs.

Which nations did the US drop atomic bombs on at the end of the World War 2?

Only one America droped an atomic bomb on Japan there for,many suffered from radiation poisining

How many atomic bombs were dropped on Japan during World War I?

None. The first atomic bomb was dropped decades after World War 1 finished. Atomic bombs weren't used in war until World War II.

How many feet did the atomic bombs drop?

In very rough figures the B-29s were flying at about 30000 feet of altitude when they dropped the bombs and the bombs exploded at about 1500 feet of altitude. You can estimate from there.

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How many atomic bombs did the US drop on Japan?

Two atomic bombs were dropped ; one upon the city of Hiroshima and the other upon Nagasaki .

How many atomic bombs where dropped on japan during world war 2?