the currency in ancientGreece was talent,mina,stater,drachma and obulusThe Greek currency was made up mainly of the talent, mina, stater, drachma and obulus. Here is the relationship. 1 talent 60 mina 1 mina 100 drachma 1 stater 2 drachma 1 drachma 6 obolus
What is the Tequesta tribe special talent?
I-Shine Talent Camp TV ended on 2011-07-31.
talent = 60 mina mina = 100 drachma stater = 2 drachma drachma = 6 obols Other coins: Decadrachm = 10 drachma Tetradrachm = 4 drachma Didrachm = stater = 2 drachma
The word "talent" had two meanings to the Romans. One was a monetary unit, the other was for an ability. If you were using "talent" meaning, say, three talents of gold, you would use the word talentum. If you meant a faculity or an ability such as, a talent for singing, you would use the words, ingenium, indoles, or facultas.
The Talent is an ancient unit of mass equal to 26 kg, as well as a unit of value equal to this amount of pure silver. 1 talent of silver is approximately 57.2 pounds.
A talent is an ancient measure of weight. Throughout history and in different countries talent varied in weight between 20 - 40 kilograms. So to convert it into monetary value, you at least need to determine who's talent, what year in history, and what's in a talent.
In 100 BCE, the value of a talent varied depending on the region. In ancient Greece, a talent was generally equivalent to around 26 kilograms of silver. In the Roman Empire, a talent was equivalent to around 32.3 kilograms of silver.
A talent is a measure that can be used for gold, silver, copper, or other substances. The ordinary talents (not for Temple-usage) weighed about 30 kilo. Let's assume that you're talking about silver. The silver talent had 3,000 shekels. Now you have to decide whether you're asking about today's worth (30 kilo silver at today's price) or its ancient purchasing power, which was quite different. A single silver shekel was enough to support a small family for about one week.
The word talent originally described an ancient weight or money used for the payment of goods and services. It derived from the Greek word- talanton- which means balance, sum, or weight. A talent was an unit of weight, in gold and silver, which was used as a legal tender.
I believe that you may be referring to a talent of silver. A talent was a unit of measure by weight. Some believe that a talent was equal to about 115 troy pounds.
An Attic (Athenian) talent weighed 26kg so 469 of them weighed 26 * 469 = 12194kg I presume you're trying to calculate how much the Parthenon cost as that cost 469 silver talents. 12194kg of silver is worth US $5,563,146.68 at the current price of $456.22 a kilo.
It is a measure of weight, not worth. Two types of Biblical talent were in use. The ordinary talent was about 30 kilos. You'll have to multiply that by whatever the price of silver is or was at a given time. The purchasing power of silver has changed drastically in history. The other talent was for sacred use such as Tabernacle or Temple property. It was close to 60 kilograms.
the currency in ancientGreece was talent,mina,stater,drachma and obulusThe Greek currency was made up mainly of the talent, mina, stater, drachma and obulus. Here is the relationship. 1 talent 60 mina 1 mina 100 drachma 1 stater 2 drachma 1 drachma 6 obolus
The Talent was a unit of measure used in ancient times in the Middle East. The largest unit of measure, it was the equivalency of about 75 pounds. The actual value varied and scholars place it anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000 today. That would be 1316 troy ounces of gold, almost $1.5 million dollars today. For a silver talent it would be $22,424.
One Silver talent was approximately $10,760 mostly because of price of how many kilograms which was $414/kg a silver talent was 26 kilograms making the price in United States currency $10,760 (Multiply the price of kg. by the amount of kg. in a talent.) Multiply that by 469 you would get $5,046,440.
ταλέντο = talent < τάλαντο/talanto = currency unit in Ancient Greece. So the expression "you have talent / you are talented" means "you are gifted"