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In total, 19,200 allied soldiers were killed during the Battle of the Bulge. 19,000 were US deaths and 200 were British deaths.

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Q: How many allies were killed in the battle of the bulge?
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What were the 2 major battles of the allies?

When? If you are referring to World War II, the whole war was a series of major battles. Two of the battles were the Battle of the Bulge and the battle for Stalingrad but there were many, many more of equal importance.

How many soldiers got killed in the battle of the bulge a day?

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How many Americans died in the Battle of the Bulge?

It is believed that close to 600,000 Americans fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

How many soldiers were in the battle of the bulge?

856,525 Allied soldiers fought in the Battle of the Bulge and the axis had 496,363 soldiers in the battle of the Bulge

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About 1,330,000 men were involved in the Battle of the Bulge

How many battles in the battle of the bulge?

It is believed that close to 600,000 Americans fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

How many fought in the battle of the bulge?

It is believed that close to 600,000 Americans fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

Who was victorious of the battle of the bulge?

American and British mainly. By that time in the war there where armed forces from many nations involved to some degree. It was the largest battle American forces engaged in and the battle that resulted in the highest number of American casualties of the European war.

When did the battle of the bulge ends?

Answer 1There are several answers depending on what is the definition of "end." The German's "Ardennes Offensive" which began DEC 16, 1944 was stopped on Dec 22, 1944. Many look on this as the end of the "Battle of the Bulge." This was not completely accurate as the Germans had to be kicked out of the bulge area of which they had taken control. At that point, the battle continued with the Allies taking the offensive to regain control of the area within the "bulge." That part of the battle ended Jan 25, 1945.

What battle exhausted Germany's reserves and opened the way for the allies to push into Germany?

The Battle of Staliingrad exhausted not only supplies and weapons but depleated the men able to fight in the war. Many had been killed or taken as prisoners. The Battle of the Bulge did a serious dent too. At the end of the war Hitler's forces were mostly made up of teens and old men.

How many Canadians were used in the battle of the bulge?

The 1st Canadian Parachute battalion was the only fighting Canadian Unit in the Battle of the Bulge.